Annual Tax Filing

We have a qualified team that will help you obtain everything you need for your annual financial closure. We provide accounting support throughout the year so that the income tax operation doesn't catch you off guard and become a headache for your business.

Operación Renta

Contamos con un equipo capacitado que te ayudará a obtener todo lo necesario para tu cierre anual contable. Te damos un apoyo contable durante todo el año para que la operación renta no te sorprenda y sea un dolor de cabeza para tu negocio
What You Get with Norte Claro
A personalized service that provides solutions and answers tailored to each of our clients.
    • Tax and Accounting Solutions: Throughout the year, we organize and streamline everything for you, ensuring your company stays on the right track and allowing you to file your tax return quickly, saving time.

    • Reports: Monthly reports and annual balance sheets that enable you to easily declare on December 31st without any issues.

    • Financial Reports: We have direct access to the Internal Revenue Service (SII) system, which allows us to access your clients’ purchases and sales, leading to a better financial report.

    • Quality Service: Regardless of the size of your company, Norte Claro provides you with the best service for tax preparation and filing.

    • Centralize Your Reports: All financial reporting in one place, saving time and gaining efficiency for your future decisions.

The reports include:

Balance sheet as of December 31st
Complete Form 22

What our customers say

Messages from our customers about their experience with Norte Claro

Focus on growing your business. We take care of your accounting.

Let's talk and see how we can assist you with your accounting and payroll.